Crude Oil Testing

Laboratories perform a full suite of tests on crude oil and other feedstocks for the refining, blending, and petrochemical industry.

Determining The Value of Feedstocks

The value of feedstocks is determined on a case-by-case basis. As purchases of crude and other feedstocks are made "as is", they do not conform to the consistency of finished products. Variations can occur due to changes in the sources of crude, the processing methods, and the operational adjustments in refineries.

Feedstocks such as vacuum gas oil, LSWR, atmospheric residue, vacuum residue, naphthas, condensates, cycle oils, and similar products offer significant opportunities for traders and refiners. However, these opportunities come with substantial risks, surpassing those associated with more defined finished products. Specialized risk management tools are essential for traders to navigate these risks effectively.

Simple tests like measuring density, water content, and sulfur content are standard and well-understood. Nowadays, there are also demands for detecting low-level contaminants like mercury, harmful metallic residues, hydrogen sulfide, and other exotic elements like antimony.

Importance of Impartial Analysis

Impartial and independent analysis is crucial for success in the oil and gas industry. Utilizing an analytical testing partner allows companies to focus on core activities while experts handle the analysis, ensuring accuracy, efficiency, and independence.

Active participation in industry bodies, standards organizations, and technical working groups, including those within ASTM, ISO, CEN, EI (The Energy Institute, formerly the Institute of Petroleum), and IFIA, is vital. The execution of any trade inspection on oil, gas, and chemical cargoes is always based on core petroleum and petrochemical standards such as API MPMS, ASTM, UOP, GOST, EN, or IP test methods and specifications as set out by ISO, CEN, or various national and regional standards organizations.

Custom-built or client-supplied analytical methods are used when specified by contracting parties. Assistance is available to stakeholders in selecting the most appropriate standards for reasonable risk management within transactions. Technical support teams are available to provide assistance on standards, working practices, and current technologies.


Crude Oil Assay Testing


ASTM D7576