Crude Oil Assay Testing

Crude oil assay evaluation aids in marketing oil effectively and in identifying potential value chain partners.

The Benefits of Crude Oil Assay Testing

Leaders in oil testing recognize that matching the right crude oil with the appropriate refinery is crucial to avoid issues related to yield, quality, and production continuity. Proper analysis ensures that the crude oil will mesh well with the intended refinery processes. Such analysis also helps to ensure that the end product is delivered on time and meets quality expectations without supply disruptions.

Flexible assay solutions demonstrate a commitment to providing crude oil data that upholds stringent processing standards. A thorough characterization of crude oil not only aids refinery operations but also enables business planners to optimize profits.

Crude Oil Evaluation

Utilizing both standard and innovative procedures, crude oil assay testing laboratories offer detailed molecular and chemical characterizations of crude oil. These laboratories generate data on the boiling range and analyze each fraction requested within this range through various physical testing procedures. Normal analysis includes measuring sulfur content, nitrogen content, viscosity, cold properties, and metal content. The laboratories also analyze off-gas from the crude oil and provide comprehensive hydrocarbon analysis, which includes crucial health and safety information such as hydrogen sulfide content and any mercury species present.

From basic petroleum assay to atmospheric and vacuum distillations, the process produces distillate fractions and residual bottoms akin to those during actual refining. The evaluation also encompasses petroleum feedstock and crude oil quality evaluations following ASTM, IP, and other industry standards and protocols.

Presentation of Crude Oil Assays

The presentation of crude oil assay results is tailored to specific requirements, which are discussed in depth on a project-by-project basis. This includes options for presenting results using linear programming models, ensuring the information is accurate, comprehensive, and user-friendly. This extensive evaluation not only assists in marketing efforts but also supports customers and others in the value chain, providing a significant advantage during customer evaluations and aiding in identifying potential value chain partners.


Crude Oil Testing