Damage Resistance - Sandwich Constructions ASTM D7766

Sandwich constructions are widely used in various industries due to their lightweight and high strength properties. However, it is important to evaluate their resistance to damage caused by indentation or impact. ASTM D7766 provides a standardized method to calculate damage resistance of sandwich cores.

The test can be conducted either by quasi-static indentation or drop-weight impact on sandwich cores made of continuous (foams) or discontinuous bonding surfaces (honeycomb). Quasi-static indentation is addressed in ASTM D6264 with Procedure A (in-plane damage, face), Procedure B (out-of-plane damage, edge-supported) and Procedure C addresses impact and parallels ASTM D7136 (drop weight impact, edge supported).

During the test, five specimens are tested at thickness, and the damage modes for each specimen (surface and/or through-thickness) are measured and recorded after indentation or impact. Damage resistance is then calculated based on the measured data.

The key data collected during the test includes the impact energy and failure type/mode. By evaluating the damage resistance of sandwich constructions, manufacturers can make informed decisions about the suitability of these materials for specific applications, and design engineers can use this information to optimize their designs for maximum damage resistance.


Compressive Properties (CLC) ASTM D6641


Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion