Accelerated Weathering

Understanding how polymers weather

Environmental exposure, including weathering, is a major challenge for plastic and polymer products, as it can lead to their premature degradation and failure. This is especially critical for products that are exposed to the outdoor environment, such as building materials, automotive components, and medical devices. Therefore, it is essential to conduct accelerated ageing testing for plastics, polymers, and composites to evaluate their long-term performance and durability.

Accelerated weathering testing is a process that replicates the effects of long-term outdoor exposure in a shorter period of time. This allows manufacturers to predict the effects of environmental exposure on their products and make necessary improvements to ensure that they meet the expected lifetime and functionality. Expert laboratories provide a range of accelerated weathering testing services for polymer and plastic materials and products to help businesses meet their quality and safety requirements.

Laboratory experts perform various tests to evaluate the resistance of plastic and polymer products against environmental impact, weathering, temperature, humidity, and UV or Xenon exposure. The materials are exposed to defined conditions, such as heat, UV, and other stress, to determine their critical properties before and after exposure. The testing covers a wide range of products, including inks and dyes, pipelines, medical devices, and automotive components.

There are several weathering standards for plastic and polymer ageing tests, including ASTM D4329, ASTM D4587, ISO 4892, ASTM G155, ISO 4892, ASTM D2565, ASTM D4459, SAE J2020, SAE J1885, SAE J1960, VDA 75202, PV3929, PV3930 etc., in addition to chemical resistance tests for polymers and plastics, tests which measure the effects of liquids on elastomers, and environmental stress cracking resistance (ESCR) tests.

Different accelerated exposure testing may be used depending on the product type and application. Weathering and aging tests can also be customized, as suggested by the customer. By providing accurate and reliable testing services, polymer testing laboratories ensure the quality, safety, and reliability of their products, while minimizing the risk of failure and representational damage.


Thermal Analysis


Optical Analysis