Ring Shear Test

The Ring Shear Testing System (Bromhead) is a device designed to accurately and repeatedly determine the residual shear strength of cohesive soils. This is especially crucial when evaluating slope stability. The machine utilizes a torsional shear method, with a rotational shearing action applied continuously until a constant residual strength value is obtained.

The use of a ring shear machine provides several benefits, including the maintenance of a consistent cross-sectional area of the shear plane during the test. Additionally, the sample can be sheared through an uninterrupted displacement of any magnitude, making it an ideal choice for determining the residual strength of clays. Overall, the Ring Shear Testing System (Bromhead) produces accurate and reliable test results for assessing the shear strength of cohesive soils.


Undrained Shear Strength Test


Unconfined Compression (UCC) Test