Field Tests

What are field tests?

In the context of geotechnical testing, field tests are tests conducted on soil or rock materials in their natural or in situ conditions at the construction site or in the field. These tests are carried out to determine the engineering properties of the materials, such as their strength, stiffness, permeability, and deformation characteristics.

Field tests are important as they provide a more accurate representation of the actual site conditions and behavior of the soil or rock than laboratory tests, which are typically conducted on samples that are removed from the site and brought to the laboratory. The results of field tests are used to assess the feasibility and safety of construction projects, such as the design of foundations, retaining structures, slopes, and excavations.

Some common examples of field tests in geotechnical engineering include Standard Penetration Tests (SPT), Cone Penetration Tests (CPT), Plate Load Tests, Pressuremeter Tests, and Soak Away Tests that assess the permeability of water on site. These tests are conducted by drilling or excavating holes at the construction site, inserting test equipment into the holes, and measuring the response of the materials to the applied load or pressure.

Examples of field tests and field test equipment

Dr. Paul Mayne has created a comprehensive graphic summarizing various geotechnical field tests. When properly executed and combined with laboratory data, field tests can provide excellent insight into soil properties, strength, and behavior.

SPT = Standard Penetration Test

TxPT = Texas Penetration Test

VST = Vane Shear Test

MPT = Pressuremeter Test

CPMT = Cone Pressuremeter

DMT = Dilatometer Test

SPLT = Screw Plate Load Test

ISB = Iowa Stepped Blade

SWS = Swedish Weight Sounding

HF = Hydraulic Fracture

BST = Borehole Shear Test

TSC = Total Stress Cell (spade cell)

FTS = Freestand Torsional Shear

PV = Piezovane

MPT = Macintosh Probe Test

CPT = Cone Penetration Test

CPTu = Piezocone Penetration

RCPTu = Resistivity Piezocone

SCPTu = Seismic Cone

SDMT = Seismic Flat Dilatometer

TBPT = T-bar Penetrometer Test

BPT = Ball Penetrometer Test

PPT = Plate Penetration Test

PLT = Plate Load Test

HPT = Helical Probe Test

PBPT = Piezoball Penetration Test

RapSochs = Rapid Soil Characterization System

CPTu = Piezodissipation Test

DMTa = Dilatometer test with A-reading dissipations

SPTT = Standard Penetration Test with Torque

LPT = Large Penetration Test

DEPPT = Dual Element Piezoprobe Test


Effective Stress


Undrained Shear Strength Test