Understanding ASTM C917 Standard Test Method for Cement Strength Uniformity Evaluation

Introduction to ASTM C917

ASTM C917 Standard Test Method C917 is a critical procedure for evaluating the strength uniformity of hydraulic cement from a single manufacturing source. This method is essential for ensuring the consistent quality of cement used in construction projects.

Overview of the Test Method

  • Purpose: ASTM C917 aims to provide a standardized approach to assess the variability in strength of hydraulic cement over time. This method is applicable to all types of hydraulic cements defined in Specifications C150, C595, and C1157.

Key Components of the Test Method

  1. Sampling:

    • Samples should be collected by qualified personnel.

    • Grab samples are taken randomly from delivery units or during loading/unloading.

    • A minimum of 10-lb (4.5-kg) test samples are required, composed of at least two separate 5-lb grab samples.

  2. Testing Procedures:

    • Perform 7- and 28-day compressive strength tests using three specimens for each test age according to Test Method C 109/C 109M.

    • All tests for a single evaluation should be conducted in the same laboratory, preferably by the same operator.

  3. Statistical Analysis:

    • Apply statistical techniques to calculate the average strength, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation.

    • The standard deviation for testing and overall standard deviation are used to assess the uniformity of cement strength.

  4. Reporting:

    • The report should include manufacturer details, cement type, sampling location, laboratory designation, and the period covered.

    • Present strength results either in tabular or graphical form.

    • Include average strength, standard deviation, and moving averages of the most recent results.

Significance of the Test Method

  • This method provides valuable insights into the strength consistency of cement, which is crucial for maintaining the quality and reliability of construction materials.

  • The procedure considers factors like sampling, testing variability, and statistical analysis to ensure an accurate assessment of cement strength uniformity.

Application in the Industry

  • ASTM C917 is predominantly used by cement manufacturers, quality control laboratories, and construction companies to monitor and maintain cement quality.

  • The method serves as a benchmark for evaluating cement consistency, contributing to the overall quality assurance in the construction industry.


ASTM Standard Test Method C917 is an essential tool for assessing the uniformity of hydraulic cement strength from a single source. By standardizing the evaluation process, this test method ensures the reliability and consistency of cement, which is fundamental to the structural integrity of construction projects.

Click here to find out more about cement strength.


