ASTM C688 Standard Specification for Functional Additions for Use in Hydraulic Cements

ASTM C688 is a detailed standard specification that provides guidelines for assessing the effectiveness of functional additions in hydraulic cements. This specification is crucial for the construction industry, as it ensures that additives used in hydraulic cements enhance their properties without adversely affecting their overall performance. The key aspects of ASTM C688 include:

Scope and Purpose

  • ASTM C688 aims to evaluate the effectiveness of materials incorporated during the manufacture of hydraulic cements.

  • It focuses on how these additions beneficially change the properties of the cement.

  • The standard acknowledges that additions can significantly alter properties other than those intended, and it sets criteria to assess these changes in both cement pastes/mortars and concrete.

Referenced Documents

  • The standard refers to various other ASTM standards like C 39, C 78, C 109, etc., which are integral in conducting the necessary tests.

Terminology and Types of Additions

  • Defines different types of functional additions like accelerating, retarding, set-control, water-reducing, and their combinations.

  • Also addresses set-control additions specifically, focusing on those composed essentially of calcium sulfate.

General Requirements

  • It states that cements, mortars, and concretes with these additions must conform to certain requirements.

  • Emphasizes that the additives should not significantly alter fundamental cement properties beyond specified limits.

  • Requires detailed documentation from manufacturers regarding the nature and quantitative determination of these additions in cement.

Testing and Evaluation

  • Specifies test methods for evaluating the effects of additions on cement and concrete properties.

  • Includes tests for properties like normal consistency, setting time, compressive strength, autoclave expansion, and more.

  • Table 1 and Table 2 in the standard provide criteria for evaluating neat cement, mortar, and concrete containing these additions.

Sampling and Report

  • Describes the procedures for sampling cements for testing.

  • Requires a comprehensive report that compares test results with the requirements prescribed in the standard.

Importance in the Construction Industry

  • ASTM C688 is vital for ensuring that functional additions in hydraulic cements are effective and do not compromise the cement's quality.

  • It helps in maintaining the integrity of construction materials, thereby contributing to the durability and safety of constructed structures.

Compliance and Safety

  • Compliance with ASTM C688 ensures that the hydraulic cements used in construction projects meet high standards of quality and safety.

  • The standard also aids manufacturers and engineers in selecting appropriate additives that enhance cement properties for specific construction needs.

ASTM C688 represents a crucial framework in the construction industry, ensuring that the use of functional additions in hydraulic cements is both effective and safe. By adhering to this specification, manufacturers and construction professionals can ensure the quality, performance, and longevity of hydraulic cements in various construction applications.


