Understanding ASTM C187: A Comprehensive Guide to the Normal Consistency Test of Hydraulic Cement


ASTM C187, a standard issued under a fixed designation, plays a crucial role in the construction industry by ensuring the quality and consistency of hydraulic cement. This guide aims to demystify the test method outlined in ASTM C187, providing a detailed explanation of each step involved in determining the normal consistency of hydraulic cement.

Purpose of the Test

The ASTM C187 test method is designed to ascertain the amount of water needed to achieve a standard consistency in hydraulic cement paste. This consistency is essential for further testing and applications of the cement in various construction scenarios.

Equipment and Materials

  1. Reference Masses and Devices: As per Specification C 1005, precision and bias evaluated devices for determining mass are required.

  2. Glass Graduates: 200 or 250-mL capacity, conforming to Practice C 490.

  3. Vicat Apparatus: A specialized apparatus consisting of a frame, a movable rod with a plunger end, a needle, a conical ring, and a base plate. The apparatus should meet specific dimensions and weight requirements.

  4. Flat Trowel: A steel blade of specified length for handling cement paste.

  5. Reagent Water: Conforming to Specification D 1193 for Type III or IV grade.

Environmental Conditions

  1. Temperature: The test environment, including the cement, molds, and base plates, should be between 20 and 27.5 °C. The mixing water temperature should be close to 23.0 °C.

  2. Humidity: The laboratory’s relative humidity should be no less than 50%.

Test Procedure

  1. Preparation of Cement Paste: Mix 650 g of cement with a quantified amount of water as per Practice C 305.

  2. Molding Test Specimen: Form the cement paste into a ball, and place it into the Vicat ring, ensuring a minimal amount of manipulation.

  3. Consistency Determination: Using the Vicat Apparatus, measure the settling point of the rod on the cement paste to determine its consistency. The paste is of normal consistency when the rod settles 10 ± 1 mm below the surface in 30 seconds.

Calculation and Reporting

Calculate the amount of water required for normal consistency to the nearest 0.1% and report it to the nearest 0.5% of the dry cement's weight.

Precision and Bias

  • Single Operator-Instrument Precision: Should be within 0.7 percentage points for the same operator in a laboratory.

  • Multilaboratory Precision: Should agree within 1.0 percentage point 95% of the time across different laboratories.

Safety Concerns

Handling fresh hydraulic cementitious mixtures requires caution due to their caustic nature. Protective clothing, gloves, and eye protection are recommended, along with immediate washing of the skin or eyes in case of contact.


ASTM C187 provides a standardized approach to determining the normal consistency of hydraulic cement, ensuring uniformity and reliability in construction materials. By adhering to this method, professionals in the construction industry can guarantee the quality and consistency of cement used in various projects.


ASTM C1922

