Understanding the different types of recycled aggregates

Recycling construction and demolition waste is becoming increasingly important in the effort to reduce the environmental impact of the construction industry. One of the ways this is being achieved is through the production of recycled aggregates, which are made from materials such as demolition waste, blast furnace slag, and steel slag. These recycled aggregates can be used in a range of construction applications, from concrete and asphalt production to land reclamation and environmental remediation. However, to ensure that these materials are used effectively and safely, it is important to have a good understanding of their properties, characteristics, and potential applications.

Recycled Aggregate Types

Recycled Type 1 (Sub-Base)

Type 1 recycled aggregate is a type of recycled construction material that is produced from crushed concrete and sometimes includes other materials such as brick, asphalt, or rock. It is often used as a sub-base material for road construction, pathways, and hard-standing areas.

The quality of Type 1 recycled aggregate can vary depending on the source and quality of the original material, the processing method, and the level of contamination. To ensure that it meets the necessary standards, it should be processed and screened to remove any unwanted materials and ensure that it meets the appropriate grading requirements.

Type 1 recycled aggregate is considered to be a sustainable and environmentally friendly option as it reduces the need for virgin materials and reduces waste going to landfill. It can also be more cost-effective than using virgin materials, especially for large-scale construction projects.

Recycled Aggregate

Steel Slag

That's correct! Steel slag is a versatile and valuable material that can be used for various applications, including as a construction aggregate for use in asphalt. When used in asphalt, steel slag can improve skid resistance due to its surface properties, which makes it a desirable material for road surfacing applications. The use of steel slag in asphalt is also regulated by standards such as the EN Aggregate and Asphalt standards to ensure that the material meets the necessary quality requirements. Overall, steel slag is an excellent example of a recycled material that can provide sustainable solutions for a range of construction and industrial applications.

Blast Furnace Slag

Blast furnace slag is a secondary aggregate that is widely used in construction due to its durability and performance attributes.

One of the advantages of blast furnace slag as an aggregate is that it is produced in a batch process with tight control over the raw materials, which leads to a more predictable and consistent chemical composition and properties. The chemical composition of blast furnace slag typically comprises silica, alumina, calcium, and magnesia as the main constituents, with minor elements such as manganese, iron, and sulfur compounds, as well as trace quantities of other elements. The exact composition can vary depending on the raw materials used in the process.

Blast furnace slag is processed in three ways to form different types of slag aggregates for different applications. These include air-cooled slag, which is suitable for use in construction applications such as road base and embankments; granulated slag, which is used in the manufacture of cement and concrete; and expanded or foamed slag, which is used as lightweight aggregate in construction materials such as concrete blocks and precast elements.

Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS)

The rapid cooling of molten slag by water produces a sand-like granular material known as ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS), which is primarily used as a cement replacement in concrete and masonry applications. GGBS can also be used in floor leveling compounds and high-temperature resistant building products.

In addition to being a high-quality alternative to primary aggregates for use in concrete and masonry applications, slag aggregates can also be used in asphalt applications. The inherent properties of slag aggregates can provide critical benefits for sustainable construction projects, such as reducing the need for primary materials and managing resources for the future. Overall, slag aggregates are an excellent example of how recycled materials can be used to deliver sustainable solutions for the built environment.

Air Cooled Slag (ACS)

Slow cooling of slag by ambient air produces a different type of slag aggregate that can be processed into different sizes suitable for various construction applications. These applications include use as a construction aggregate in ready-mixed and precast concrete, asphalt, and fill material, as well as a filter media in water and sewage treatment.

One of the largest air-cooled slag aggregate products is riprap, which is used to stabilize shorelines and stream banks and prevent erosion along slopes and embankments. Riprap can be used either loose or in gabion baskets and provides an effective solution for protecting against natural erosion and environmental damage.

Overall, slag aggregates have a wide range of applications and offer sustainable solutions for the construction industry. They are an example of how recycled materials can be effectively used to provide high-quality products and contribute to sustainable construction practices.

Strategic Pathways to Amplifying Recycled Aggregate Utilization in European Construction


The incorporation of recycled aggregates (RAs) into the concrete production matrix within the European Union (EU) is a nuanced, multifaceted endeavor. This report unfurls the intricate tapestry of dynamics, hurdles, and initiatives fostering such integration. It nests within the broader context of the EU’s overarching sustainability and circular economy objectives, drawing insights from exhaustive and cutting-edge data, including rich EUROSTAT datasets.

Executive Summary:

The EU’s construction sector, a cornerstone of the continent’s economic architecture, makes substantial contributions to GDP and employment. However, it is equally notable for its significant material consumption and waste generation. Concrete, renowned as the principal building material, emerges as a central character in the narrative of the green transition. The waste generated from concrete, a subset of construction and demolition waste (CDW), embodies both a challenge and an opportunity in the complex quest for a circular economy.


The discourse on the utilization of RAs, particularly those sourced from CDW, as substitutes for natural aggregates (NAs) is not just topical but is intricately linked to the realization of the EU’s circular economy aspirations. RAs are not just technically viable but embody environmental and economic dividends. Their incorporation mitigates CDW disposal challenges, reduces the exploitation of NAs, and often culminates in a reduced carbon footprint attributed to concrete production.

Status of CDW Valorisation in EU Member States:

Policy engineering within the EU is in constant flux, gravitating towards a harmonized paradigm that encapsulates climate consciousness, energy efficiency, resource optimization, and waste management. The ambitious 70% material recovery target set for CDW by 2020 is a testament to this shift. However, the actualization of higher-value applications of RAs is still an uphill task. RAs are often relegated to lower-tier applications such as backfill or road base applications, underscoring a glaring underutilization.

State-of-the-Art on Recycled Aggregate Concrete:

Concrete waste stands as a dominant category of CDW. While an array of research underscores the structural and material viability of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC), its infiltration into the mainstream market is impeded by technical, operational, and perception barriers. Advancements in separation and processing technologies offer a lifeline to enhancing RA quality. However, the capital intensity of these innovations poses formidable hurdles, particularly for small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

Regulations and Incorporation Ratios in the EU:

The regulatory landscape is variegated across member states. These disparities, coupled with inherent challenges tied to quality assurance, sourcing, and public perception, are impediments to the widespread adoption of RAs. Public authorities, pivotal stakeholders in the construction milieu, possess the leverage to amplify RA utilization through the implementation of green public procurement policies.

Circular Economy Models & Construction Sector Employment:

As the narrative unfolds, it becomes abundantly clear that a comprehensive, holistic perspective is indispensable. The social dynamics intrinsic to the green transition, especially concerning workforce metamorphosis and skillset evolution, cannot be sidelined. The EU’s Renovation Wave initiative is anticipated to be a catalyst for a surge in CDW generation. This projection accentuates the imperative for robust, effective, and scalable RA utilization strategies.

Barriers and Measures for Market Uptake:

The barriers encumbering RA and RAC adoption are multilayered, spanning a spectrum from the deficiency of technical know-how to operational constraints and reservations from clients and contractors. Against this backdrop, a swell in RA and RAC adoption is not just anticipated but deemed essential. The report, nestled within this context, endeavors to identify impediments and articulate actionable measures conducive for RAC’s industrial amplification.


The pathway to augmenting the market presence of RAs is paved with regulatory recalibrations, technical augmentations, operational innovations, and social awareness campaigns. Public authorities are not just participants but are central actors in this transformative journey. Their endorsement of green procurement practices is a pivotal instrument, capable of recalibrating industry norms and public perception alike.

In-depth Analysis:

The blend of circular economy principles within the construction sphere, especially in the realm of concrete utilization, is not a luxury but a necessity for sustainable resource conservation and waste mitigation. However, a gap exists, signified by the prevalent downcycling and moderate incorporation ratios of RAs in concrete production. Technical evaluations unveil that RAs, especially those primarily composed of concrete waste, can be seamlessly integrated into medium-performance concrete, eliciting significant environmental dividends.

Social and Economic Dynamics:

Yet, the transition is not without hurdles. In regions characterized by the abundance and cost-effectiveness of NAs, the incentive for concrete producers to shift towards RAs is marginal. This dynamic is accentuated by public perception challenges and resistance from designers and contractors. Public authorities, however, are uniquely positioned to stimulate RA demand. The integration of RAs into public projects could be the catalyst for perception transformation and market demand escalation.

Future Trajectories and Solutions:

The anticipation of heightened RA market penetration is intrinsically aligned with broader EU blueprints, notably the European Green Deal and the Circular Economy Action Plan. With the anticipated escalation in renovation activities and the consequent surge in CDW, there is an urgent call for refined, innovative policies and funding mechanisms to optimize the utilization of recycled materials.

The nuanced characteristics of RAs, distinct from NAs, render the behavior of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) dissimilar from that of natural aggregate concrete (NAC). The report delves into material flows and the anticipated escalation in CDW by 2050, underscoring the exigency for efficient RA recovery and utilization paradigms aligned with the EU’s sustainability benchmarks.

Final Remarks:

The orchestration of RAs into the construction ecosystem is a narrative woven with technical, regulatory, operational, and societal threads. It calls for a symphony of efforts spanning policy evolution, industry practices transformation, public perception recalibration, and technological innovations. The report, in its essence, serves as an illuminating compass, offering insights, analyses, and action paths to navigate this intricate yet indispensable transition. The variances in CDW management metrics across EU Member States, gleaned from EUROSTAT data, underscore the necessity for data consistency and reliability.

The report’s revelations, analyses, and proposed actions, conceived within the intricate dynamics of this transition, endeavor to illuminate pathways towards optimizing CDW valorization. A nuanced approach, encapsulating policy review, data integrity enhancement, RA market development, and CDW management’s integration into the broader circular economy narrative, is not just advocated but deemed essential.


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