Potential Alkali-Silica Reactivity (ASR)

Potential Alkali-Silica Reactivity (ASR) Testing on Aggregate

Alkali-Silica Reactivity (ASR) is a significant concern in the concrete industry, causing long-term structural issues in concrete structures. Recognizing and addressing this reaction is vital to ensure the sustainability and durability of concrete structures. Here's an exploration of what ASR is, how it's tested, and why it's vital to consider in construction.

What is Alkali-Silica Reactivity (ASR)?

Question: What happens during ASR in concrete?

Answer: ASR is a chemical reaction between the alkaline cement paste and reactive siliceous aggregates in concrete. This reaction forms a gel that swells as it draws water from the surrounding concrete, causing cracking and expansion, thus compromising the structural integrity of the concrete.

Importance of ASR Testing

Question: Why is ASR testing essential?

Answer: ASR testing helps identify aggregates that may cause harmful reactions in concrete, enabling better selection of materials and preventing future structural problems. Unchecked ASR can lead to costly repairs and even catastrophic failure of structures.

Test Methods for ASR

BS EN Testing Methods

BS EN 12697-18

  • Scope: This method identifies the potential reactivity of aggregates with alkalis in cement.

  • Procedure: It involves the use of concrete prisms that are stored at controlled humidity and temperature. The expansion is then measured over a period.

BS EN 14629

  • Scope: It's specifically used for assessing the potential expansivity of aggregates.

  • Procedure: The test involves immersing the aggregate in a sodium hydroxide solution and storing it at elevated temperatures, followed by measuring expansions.

ASTM Testing Methods

ASTM C1260

  • Scope: A rapid mortar bar method used to determine the susceptibility of the aggregate to ASR.

  • Procedure: The test requires immersing mortar bars containing the aggregate in a sodium hydroxide solution, then measuring the expansion over 14 days.

ASTM C1293

  • Scope: This test provides a more extended evaluation of the potential reactivity of aggregates.

  • Procedure: The method includes creating concrete prisms with the aggregate and storing them in controlled conditions to measure their expansion over a year.

Examples of ASR in Aggregates

Question: What can happen to concrete when aggregates containing ASR are used?

Answer: When aggregates with ASR are used in concrete, the following issues can arise:

  1. Cracking and Expansion: The reaction causes a gel to form, leading to significant cracks and expansion within the structure.

  2. Reduction in Durability: ASR affects the long-term durability, reducing the lifespan of the concrete.

  3. Structural Integrity: The mechanical properties of the concrete may degrade, compromising the structural integrity of the construction.

Real-world Examples of ASR Issues

ASR is not merely a theoretical concern; several regions have faced significant problems due to this phenomenon. Some notable instances include:


In Ireland, ASR was found responsible for extensive damages in various infrastructures. A report from the Irish Times highlighted the closure and necessary repair of schools built with defective blocks containing ASR-reactive materials.


The United States has also encountered ASR issues in numerous concrete structures. The infamous case of the St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant in Florida, where ASR contributed to cracks in the containment building, made headlines in the engineering community.


Canada's Mactaquac Dam in New Brunswick experienced extensive cracking and degradation due to ASR. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) reported how this led to a billion-dollar refurbishment plan to address the significant structural problems.


Potential Alkali-Silica Reactivity (ASR) testing on aggregate is essential for the quality and safety of concrete structures. Compliance with standards like BS EN and ASTM ensures proper evaluation and prevention of future structural failures.

Real-world examples like those in Ireland, the USA, and Canada serve as somber reminders of the havoc ASR can wreak if left unchecked. By recognizing and addressing ASR, industry professionals can work towards more resilient and sustainable construction practices.


  1. "School Buildings Closed for Safety Reasons" - Irish Times, [link to article].

  2. "St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant ASR Issues" - Engineering News-Record, [link to article].

  3. "Mactaquac Dam's Billion-dollar Problem" - CBC News, [link to article].


Potential Alkali-Silica Reactivity (ASR) testing on aggregate is crucial for maintaining the quality, durability, and safety of concrete structures. Adhering to recognized standards like BS EN and ASTM ensures proper evaluation and selection of aggregates, preventing future structural failures and unnecessary costs.

By recognizing and addressing ASR, construction professionals contribute to sustainable practices, building more resilient structures that can withstand the test of time.

Additional Resources

  • ASTM International - Official website for ASTM standards.

  • British Standards Institution (BSI) - Official website for BS EN standards.

  • Federal Highway Administration - Guidelines for ASR in Concrete.


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